Title: Digital image processing
Author(s): Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods.
Publisher: Prentice Hall, Year: 2002
Category: ICT & Computer
ISBN: 9780201180756,0-201-18075-8
THE pioneer in the field for over twenty years, this prologue to fundamental ideas and procedures for computerized picture preparation proceeds with its forefront center around contemporary improvements in all standard zones of picture handling. Totally independent, vigorously shown, and numerically available, it has an extent of utilization that isn’t restricted to the arrangement of specific issues. Computerized Image Fundamentals. Picture Enhancement in the Spatial Domain. Picture Enhancement in the Frequency Domain. Picture Restoration. Shading Image Processing. Wavelets and Multiresolution Processing. Picture Compression. Morphological Image Processing. Picture Segmentation. Portrayal and Description. Article Recognition. For professionals keen on the basics and contemporary uses of computerized imaging preparation.