Book Title: Indian Miniature Painting
Author(s): Mohinder Singh Randhawa
Category: History
Publisher: FEP International Private Ltd.; Roli Books International, Year: 1981
“This book traces the development of Indian miniature painting from the Bagh caves to the Sikh school. Progressing chronologically, the author analyses the works of each school or rather the centre where various trends in art would either be transformed or gain prominence, or disappear depending upon the prevalent style. The miniatures often provide true records of the social and cultural life of the time. Working even in conventional forms, the Indian miniaturists have captured the spirit and mood of the subject matter in minutest details–the romance and passion of lovers, the frolics of Radha and Krishna, the royal splendour of the princes, the valor and courage on the battlefields, etc. The eighty beautiful miniatures reproduced, sixty-two of them in colour, show the originality of their subject matter, their vibrant colours and refined treatment of details.”–book jacket.
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