Dynamics of structures theory and applications to earthquake engineering

Dynamics of structures theory and applications to earthquake engineering

Book Title: Dynamics of structures theory and applications to earthquake engineering

Author(s): Chopra, Anil K

Publisher: Prentice Hall, Year: 2011;2015

Category: Engineering

ISBN: 9780132858038,0273774247,9780273774242,9780273774266,0132858037



Dynamics of structures theory and applications to earthquake engineering

“Designed for senior-level and graduate courses in Dynamics of Structures and Earthquake Engineering. ”
“Dynamics of Structures “includes many topics encompassing the theory of structural dynamics and the application of this theory regarding earthquake analysis, response, and design of structures. No prior knowledge of structural dynamics is assumed and the manner of presentation is sufficiently detailed and integrated, to make the book suitable for self-study by students and professional engineers.

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